Ever since I've received my mission call I have felt the Lord's hand in my life more than I have in a long time! The call was a blessing in and of itself, but as the days progressed, I felt like I was being blessed more than I had "room enough" to receive. I felt like I was getting more out of my scripture study, I was waking up happier and happier each day, and I was able to pray with more meaning. The following Thursday I was accepted to Brigham Young University- Idaho. And our screen printing business revived a large order along with some other projects. When you are willing to walk in the way the Lord wants you to he will bless you more than you can comprehend all at once. He provides when we are obendient and have faith in Him. He loves us and wants to help us along our journey! I'm thankful I've been able to feel that love :)
Monday, September 30, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Called to Serve
On Monday, September 23rd, I didn't know how much my life would change! I was anticipating my mission call to come in the mail for two weeks and for 14 days of being disappointed every time I'd open the mail box I didn't figure that day would be any different. I was upstairs in my room when I saw the mail lady pull up to the box, so I came down the stairs, grabbed the mail key, and pulled out my longboard to start going down the driveway. When I got to the mail box I opened it and found the ultimate jackpot! There was a ton of mail and one very big white envelope! My heart was RACING! I tried to pull it out and it was stuck...Oh no.eventually I got it out without damaging the package. I didn't even know how to react I was so excited. I hopped on my board and almost biffed three times before riding into the grass and running into the house. My mom was screaming before I even got inside, I guess the way I was barreling towards the house gave it away. I made it inside and just started crying and laughing at the same time! It took me about 20 minutes to settle myself. The worst part was waiting for another 4 hours to open it. I sat through what seemed like a six quarter football game that my brother was playing in, then finally made it home to open my call. With friends and family gathered around, and with others on phones, I opened the envelope. I felt anxious but also calm with wherever I was called to go. I started reading the letter, tears started streaming by the time I got to the line "called to serve as a missionary...". I have been called to serve in the Colorado Denver North Mission. I will report to the MTC on January 22nd, 2014 and I couldn't be more excited! Even just after I had initially read the call I knew that was where the Lord wanted me to be for the next 18 months. I know that the Lord knows what's best for His children and wants us all to be happy. I know that if we have faith in Him and strive to do His will He will guide our feet in the direction we should go. Sometimes you have to walk in the darkness in order to be able to see the light but I know it's worth it every step of the way! I love the Lord with everything I have and can't wait to serve Him!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Friday Night Lights
This year my younger brother, Kenyon (16), is playing football as a junior in high school. Since this is my last year being around to watch him I have taken my Kenyon-fan-club responsibilities to the next level! This has included lots of cheering, bedazzling, and cold nights spent on hard bleacher seats. But when you're making memories and supporting the people closest to you, it's a small price to pay! That's what we're meant to do right? The best way to love someone is to serve them, it makes your love for them even stronger! So here's to one heck of a football season, let's go my #5!
The Beginning
My name is McKenzie Hoopes and I'm very new to this blogging thing! Im currently eighteen years old and am preparing to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I don't know where I am assigned to labor yet, but good things come to those who wait! I wanted to start this blog because even though I still have a lot to learn from life, I feel like my experiences might be able to help somebody out there! The reason I want to serve a mission is because I have been blessed with so much in my life, and the biggest blessing is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gordon B. Hinkley, the late prophet of the church said the following, "You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment you will ever make." What greater of an investment could you make than serving another person, changing their life, and helping them to find the peace and happiness that can only come from Jesus Christ's gospel. Being a missionary is more than teaching the gospel, its harvesting souls, and changing hearts. Its about watching someone come into a state of new understanding, realizing they have a Father in Heaven who loves them and wants them to live with Him again. Heavenly Father wants ALL of His children to have the opportunity to hear this message, missionary work is HIS work! So as I go on this journey, possibly the greatest one I will have, I hope whoever reads along will be able to gain a little something from the experiences as well.