Saturday, February 1, 2014

First Week in the MTC!

**This week's post is a little shorter than I had anticipated, although, I am excited to get this missionary's letter this week, so expect a mid week posting containing that letter's updates.  The Marchgladness picture she's referring to, is a picture of Kid President that we both love and adore. :)  If you haven't heard of Kid President, don't miss out any longer.  YouTube him.  You'll be glad you did. :)

I loved the MARCHGLADNESS PIC! how cute is that!!!! I loved everything about your email! I sent out a letter today for you and dad that gave a little of my MTC experience. We arent allowed to write on any other day except p-day so it's hard to catch up and say everything I want to. THE MTC IS THE GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH! I WOULD STAY HERE IF I COULD! not really, but i really do love it here! The boiled peanuts were a hit and one of my teachers loves them to so I gave him a can because Sister Scheurman and I ate the other one and felt SO FAT afterwards! He was so excited to have his own can! Anyways, sharing is caring. I have felt all the prayers and faith of you guys back home, its amazing! I dont want to say too much because of the letter... but Just know that I love you to itsy bitsy pieces and couldn't be more thankful for you and love you any more! I HAVE THE BEST FAMILY AND FRIENDS EVER! 


  1. Couldn't get the images to show...maybe it's just me? Grandma

  2. You look amazing! :) miss you bunches honey! Youre gunna do great on your mission I know it. :) -tobikins

  3. Love the pics!!!! Enjoy this awesome time in your life, its goes so fast!!!!
